Thank you for considering Etched Press as a home for your work. Please see the manuscript guidelines before submitting. We'll consider anything that is undeniably top-notch quality. We're actively seeking poetry which pays attention to the parts of its sum and includes some Truth. Poetry collections that have a trajectory. Individual poems filled with the textures of the world and pushed along with wonderful music. Multiple submissions will be deleted. Simultaneous submissions welcome.
Submit 48 to 80 pages of any style of poetry. We're particularly interested in project books of poetry focused on a single subject or two. All submissions considered; we only care about quality. Publication in print and the Kindle store. Please include an acknowledgements page within the manuscript and a brief bio in the cover letter box. Simultaneous submissions welcome. Please withdraw via submittable if accepted elsewhere.
Submit and receive a discount on any chapbook title in the catalog. Please select which title you would like on the submission page. This submission is open to any form. Submit sixteen to twenty-eight pages of poetry. Response time (1-2 months).
Submit sixteen to twenty-eight pages of any style of poetry that doesn't fit into the current free category open for submission. All submissions considered. Publication in print and the Kindle store. Simultaneous submissions welcome. Please withdraw via submittable if accepted elsewhere.